Evaluation of Fertilizer Management on Yield and Yield Components and Production Economics of “Pacific 999 Super” Maize Cultivar



Evaluation of Fertilizer Management on Yield and Yield Components and Production Economics of “Pacific 999 Super” Maize Cultivar






This fertilizer management trial on maize was conducted to offer research evidence to the universal dispute on the economic viability and productivity of divergent fertility management strategies. We compared six treatments including a control or no fertilizer (T1), T2 NPK (15-15-15), T3 chemical and granular organic fertilizer with hormone mixed formula 1 (HO-1), T4 formula 2 (HO-2), T5 formula 3 (HO-3), T6 granular organic fertilizer (GOF). The trial was replicated thrice in a Randomized Complete Block Design with a plot size of 6 m x 5 m. The maize cultivar (Pacific 999 Super) and a fertilizer dose of 0.9 kg plot-1 were used. The results revealed that HO-3 produced the highest yield components and a significant (p < 0.05) yield (8,276.69 kg ha-1), representing an increase of (50 %) over the control. Also, HO-2 and NPK treatments recorded equal effects on maize yield (7,420.00- and 7,266.69 kg ha-1, respectively). The production cost, revenue and profit of HO-3 were highest (31,317.37-, 72,896.82- and 41,579.45-baht rai-1, respectively). A significant 17.4 % rise in profit was realized with HO-3 application over NPK treatment. The Benefit: Cost ratio of HO-3 fertilizer was the best (2.33) and suitable for farmers to maximize returns.


Keteku, A. K.; Intanon, P.; Suwat, T.; Intanon, R.



“Evaluation of Fertilizer Management on Yield and Yield Components and Production Economics of “Pacific 999 Super” Maize Cultivar,” CSIRSpace, accessed March 9, 2025, http://cspace.csirgh.com/items/show/729.