Alternative Wall Material (AWM): Comparing PET Bottle Bricks, with Cement Blocks and Compress Earth Blocks for Housing in Ghana



Alternative Wall Material (AWM): Comparing PET Bottle Bricks, with Cement Blocks and Compress Earth Blocks for Housing in Ghana






Innovative approach to bridging the ever-increasing housing deficit in Ghana has led to the need for Alternative Wall Material (AWM) using Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) plastic bottles. A number of AWMs including burnt clay bricks, bamboo, landcrete among others have been introduce to the construction industry alongside cement blocks and earth (compressed) blocks which are the two most commonly used wall materials. About 20 million PET plastic bottles are thrown out each day without recycle, polluting the environment as it stays in the soils and water bodies for over 300years. This paper therefore seeks to compare PET plastic bricks with some commonly used materials for wall construction in Ghana (Cement blocks and compressed earth blocks) in an attempt to obtain another AWM. This paper uses qualitative approach to compare properties of the three wall materials. This study seeks to conclude that having PET bottle brick as an AWM alongside the existing materials will improve housing provision and reduce environmental pollution.


Oppong, R. A.; Twumasi-Ampofo, K.



“Alternative Wall Material (AWM): Comparing PET Bottle Bricks, with Cement Blocks and Compress Earth Blocks for Housing in Ghana,” CSIRSpace, accessed January 23, 2025, http://cspace.csirgh.com/items/show/763.