Improving Land Tenure Security through Customary Boundary Demarcation- A Case Study



Improving Land Tenure Security through Customary Boundary Demarcation- A Case Study






In sub-Saharan Africa, one of the barriers to development and wealth creation in the peri urban and rural areas is land tenure insecurity. This is mainly due to a number of factors including the absence of clear unambiguous boundaries between allodial owners and the absence of credible documentation of land rights. This research sought to establish and document over 190 km of the boundary of Juaben paramouncy in a manner that ensured peace, harmony and tenure security. Disputes were resolved through less costly Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) mechanisms and Customary Land Secretariat (CLS) that catalogued and maintained up to date register on the land. This resulted in conflicts that have raged on for decades, sometimes leading to injury, property destruction and loss of lives come to an end. The benefits of this improved land tenure security are enhanced agricultural productivity, wealth creation for rural dwellers, peace and stability. Boundary demarcations and documentations established were important steps in the process of reformation and improving land tenure security in the rural communities. Information retrieval was simplified and transaction cost made cheaper.


Affam, M.; Amoafo, E. .Y.; Acquah, S. B.



“Improving Land Tenure Security through Customary Boundary Demarcation- A Case Study,” CSIRSpace, accessed March 10, 2025, http://cspace.csirgh.com/items/show/806.