Analysis of the drying efficacy of some Vertisol management technologies using a simple model



Analysis of the drying efficacy of some Vertisol management technologies using a simple model




The drying efficacy of four technologies for managing the Vertisol of the Accra Plains of Ghana were evaluated with a simple empirical model of the form: 0(1) = a r· where 0 (t) is the moisture content to a depth of 15 cm at different times during the drying process, 1 is time, and the parameters a and b describe the initial moisture content and the rate of field-drying, respectively. The technologies evaluated were the cambered bed, the Ethiopian bed, the ridge, and the flat bed. The agricultural productivities of these technologies were also assessed by using maize as the test crop. Leaf area index, root mass, plant height, and grain yield per cob for maize were measured and used in the assessment. The parameter a was highest with the tlat bed, followed by the Ethiopian bed. the ridge, and the cambered bed in decreasing order. The parameter b was the reverse of the trend obtained for the parameter a. The parameters a and b were used to explain the variations in growth; root development, and yield of maize on the various landform technologies. The results indicated that the parameter a was negatively and signiticantly correlated with plant height, root mass, leaf area index, and grain yield of maize. This confirms the assertion that the higher the initial moisture level in excess of the optimum requirement for plant growth, the lower the Vertisol can support the growth and yield of most crops. The study further showed that in the wet season, and for the Accra Plains Vertisol of Ghana, in particular, management technologies that gave faster rates of field drying were more productive agriculturally


Asiedu, E. K.; Bonsu, M.



“Analysis of the drying efficacy of some Vertisol management technologies using a simple model,” CSIRSpace, accessed March 10, 2025, http://cspace.csirgh.com/items/show/847.