A comparison of sawdust and wood shavings as litter materials for broilers
A comparison of sawdust and wood shavings as litter materials for broilers
The suitability of sawdust as litter material for broilers was assessed by comparing broiler performance on it with performance on wood shavings in a 49-day trial. Criteria for assessment included body weight at 21, 35, 42 and 49 days of age, feed efficiency, organ data, mortality, litter moisture, and foot pad damage. Broilers raised on shavings were heavier than those raised on sawdust at 49 and 42 days of age for males and females, respectively. Feed conversion efficiency was similar for broilers raised on sawdust and shavings. The heavier gastro-intestinal tract (GIT) and gizzard of broilers raised on sawdust, and the higher mortality due to crop impaction of these birds suggest that consumption of sawdust may be the main cause of lowered growth rate. Rate of increase of moisture in litter was higher for shavings than for sawdust which explains the higher incidence of foot pad damage on broilers raised on wood shavings. It was concluded that for short-cycle broiler production programmes (6 weeks), sawdust is less suitable.
“A comparison of sawdust and wood shavings as litter materials for broilers,” CSIRSpace, accessed March 9, 2025, http://cspace.csirgh.com/items/show/853.