Floristic composition and carbon stocks of tree species of different conservation status following selective logging in a moist semi-deciduous forest in Ghana
Floristic composition and carbon stocks of tree species of different conservation status following selective logging in a moist semi-deciduous forest in Ghana
Understanding the impact of commercial logging on composition and carbon storage of functionally different species is critical for sustainability of forest resources. This study assessed the floristic composition and carbon stocks of tree species of different conservation status along a post-logging chronosequence regime within the Bobiri Forest Reserve (BFR). Experimental plots were established in different post-logged sites within BFR, namely: 1-, 10-, 21-, 30-, 43- and 50 years post-logged sites (tagged as Y1, Y10, Y21, Y30, Y43, and Y50). In addition, plots were established in an unlogged / undisturbed area which shows the characteristics of a strict nature reserve (tagged SNR) as control. Data was collected in 10 randomly selected temporary sampling plots (TSPs) in each site. The main sample plot (MSP) i.e. 50 m x 50 m (2500 m2) was divided into four sub-plots (SP) of size 25 m x 25 m (625 m2) and the sub-plots were further subdivided into sub-sub plots (SSP) of size 12.5 m x 12.5 m (156.25 m2), to form a nested sample plot design. Tree species in the stands were identified and classified according to their conservation status/ star rating. The results of the study indicated that proportional abundance of species with different star ratings was significantly different with green and pink stars generally dominant across the stands. Carbon stock estimates increased from 193.5 ± 36.4 in the SNR to 293.3±45.1 in Y50, but was not significantly different. However, carbon storage among star categories was significant (p < 0.05) despite the low abundance of species in some of the categories. This phenomenon was due to the high proportions of carbon stocks in large and medium trees of species belonging to the green, pink, red and scarlet stars. The high carbon stocks of scarlet and red star species despite their low densities calls for management interventions to enhance their stocking levels within the reserve.
“Floristic composition and carbon stocks of tree species of different conservation status following selective logging in a moist semi-deciduous forest in Ghana,” CSIRSpace, accessed March 7, 2025, http://cspace.csirgh.com/items/show/885.