Climate Change Impact Pathways on Agricultural Productivity in Africa: A Review
Climate Change Impact Pathways on Agricultural Productivity in Africa: A Review
This paper reviews literature on the impact of climate change on agriculture, highlighting on gender and adaptation issues. The study looked at climate change impact pathways on the three main sectors of agriculture including crops, livestock and fisheries. The major findings were that crop production has been severely hampered through rising temperatures, irregular rainfall and increasing concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, leading to crop failure in some cases, low production and productivity levels. In livestock, the effect of unfavourable thermal conditions leads to compromised meat quality and reduced production potential. Women were also seen to suffer the most in the event of adverse changes in climate by their disposition as the primary caregivers in the home. These impacts among others could render economies efforts towards achieving their development agenda a mirage. The study recommends among others holistic policies that will support the fight against climate change.
“Climate Change Impact Pathways on Agricultural Productivity in Africa: A Review,” CSIRSpace, accessed March 10, 2025, http://cspace.csirgh.com/items/show/91.