Effect of gamma irradiation on the attributes of turkey, duck, goose and chicken egg whites and yolks
Effect of gamma irradiation on the attributes of turkey, duck, goose and chicken egg whites and yolks
Irradiation can control pathogens in eggs without heat, thereby preserving eggs for long periods. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of gamma radiation on the chemical composition and protein quality of the whites and yolks of duck, goose, turkey, and chicken eggs. Ten eggs from each species were placed in pulp cartons and irradiated with an absorbed dose of 4 kGy. After irradiation, the eggs were broken, and yolks and whites were separated, dried and milled into fine particles. Protein efficiency ratio (PER), essential amino acid index (EAAI), biological value (BV), nutritional index (NI), essential amino acid score (EAAS), and other parameters of protein quality were insignificant differences between control and radiation eggs. In general, our results show that gamma radiation does not exert significant effects on the chemical composition and protein quality of the whites and yolks of eggs. Gamma radiation at 4 kGy can be used to preserving eggs for long periods.
“Effect of gamma irradiation on the attributes of turkey, duck, goose and chicken egg whites and yolks,” CSIRSpace, accessed March 9, 2025, http://cspace.csirgh.com/items/show/964.