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E-waste recycling in Africa: risks and opportunities
Electronic waste (e-waste) is generated in enormous amounts worldwide, and this has become a global environmental issue because of the way it is handled, especially in developing countries. -
Drying characteristics and development of kiln drying schedules for the wood of Alstonia boonei, Antrocaryon micraster, Bombax buonopozense, Dialium aubrevillei and Sterculia rhinopetala
The susceptibility to drying defects and development of appropriate drying schedules was undertaken for the wood of five Ghanaian lesser used wood species: Alstonia boonei (Sinduro), Antrocaryon micraster, (Aprokuma), Bombax buonopozens (Akata), Dialium aubrevillei (Duabankye) and Sterculia rhinopetala (Wawabima). -
Drivers of forage provision and erosion control in West African
savannas – A macroecological perspectiveRangelands’ ability to provide ecosystem services (ESs) depends on ecosystem properties and functions, which are interactively driven by biophysical and land-use drivers. In West Africa’s savanna rangelands, the relative importance of these drivers for ES supply is still poorly understood, hampering the identification of appropriate management strategies. In this context, trade-offs between the ES of forage provision and the regulating ES of erosion control are of particular importance. Taking a macroecological perspective, we aimed at detecting consistent patterns in ES drivers and identifying good predictors.