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Does the current land tenurial arrangement in Ghana incentivize adoption of environmentally sustainable cocoa production practices? A case study of four selected cocoa growing districts in Ghana
A total of 231 cocoa farmers were interviewed through a structured survey in selected districts in the Eastern, Ashanti, Brong Ahafo and Western regions of Ghana to explore their views on how the existing land tenurial arrangement incentivise sustainable cocoa production practices. In addition, 12 key informant interviews and six focus group discussions were held. -
Sorghum market integration study in Ghana
he study sought to examine the variability and trends in sorghum supply and prices, factors affecting volumes of sorghum traded, and whether the sorghum market was integrated. -
Exploratory and multidisciplinary survey of the cowpea network in Tolon-Kumbungu district of Ghana: A food sovereignty perspective
An exploratory survey of selected deprived communities in the Tolon-Kumbungu district of northern region of Ghana was conducted in August 2007 by a multi-disciplinary team of social scientist, food technologist, plant breeder and food nutritionist. -
A socio-economic assessment of cowpea diversity on the Ghanaian market: implications for breeding
Given the importance of cowpea [Vignaunguiculata(L)Walp] in fighting malnutrition and poverty, a socio-economic assessment of cowpea diversity found on the Ghanaian market was conducted. The objective was to investigate emerging consumer preference for cowpea and make recommendations for the development of tailor-made varieties. -
Food security situation in northern Ghana, coping strategies and related constraints
This paper looks at the food security situation in three most deprived and poverty-stricken regions in the Northern parts of Ghana and examines how farmer households cope during food insecure periods. -
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for Topographical Mapping of Inaccessible Land Areas in Ghana: A Cost-Effective Approach
The use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) for remote data acquisition has rapidly evolved in recent years. The integration of UAV with Global Positioning System (GPS) and Geographic Information System (GIS) techniques have reduced time and cost in acquiring data for inaccessible land areas -
Introduction to Forests, roots and soil carbon
Below-ground components including roots are key contributors to the total forest ecosystem biomass and productivity. -
Radiological Risk Assessment Due to Ingestion of Some Bottled Drinking Water on The Ghanaian Market
Activity concentrations of the Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORMs) in some bottled drinking water brands obtained from some supermarkets in Accra were analyzed using gamma spectrometry.