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Nutrition knowledge and food consumption practices and barriers in rural Ghana: The case of foods for preventing vitamin a and iron deficiencies
Food-based approaches such as dietary diversification, nutrient retention and biofortification combined with nutrition education can be effective in eliminating micronutrient deficiencies. -
The Role of Convenience in Fast Food Consumption in Urban Ghana
Although fast food has been linked to various health problems its consumption is increasing in Ghana. The objective of this study was to examine how convenience (a measure of perceived product convenience, which is a product attribute, and convenience orientation, a psychosocial attribute of consumers) together with demographic variables and cooking skill influence fast food consumption in urban Ghana. -
Fast Food in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana: Characteristics, Availability and the Cuisine Concept
Fast food has been extensively debated but most studies have focused on one or two of its characteristics. Using the cuisine concept, we propose a more comprehensive approach to the study of fast-food characteristics and availability, while taking cultural context into account. The objectives of this paper are to explore the usefulness of the cuisine concept and to provide some insight into fast food characteristics and its availability in the Greater Accra Region (GAR) of Ghana. -
Food safety concerns of fast-food consumers in urban Ghana
In Ghana, out-of-home ready-to-eat foods including fast food generally have been associated with food safety problems. Notwithstanding, fast food production and consumption are increasing in Ghana and therefore this study sought to determine the food safety issues of importance to consumers and the extent to which they worry about them. -
Drying characteristics and development of kiln drying schedules for the wood of Alstonia boonei, Antrocaryon micraster, Bombax buonopozense, Dialium aubrevillei and Sterculia rhinopetala
The susceptibility to drying defects and development of appropriate drying schedules was undertaken for the wood of five Ghanaian lesser used wood species: Alstonia boonei (Sinduro), Antrocaryon micraster, (Aprokuma), Bombax buonopozens (Akata), Dialium aubrevillei (Duabankye) and Sterculia rhinopetala (Wawabima). -
Green moisture content, basic density, and shrinkage characteristics of the wood of Alstonia boonei, Antrocaryon micraster, Bombax buonopozense, Dialium aubrevillei and Sterculia rhinopetala
A study was undertaken on the green moisture content, basic density and shrinkage properties for the wood of five Ghanaian species: Alstonia boonei (Sinduro), Antrocaryon micraster (Aprokuma), Bombax buonopozense (Akata), Dialium aubrevillei (Duabankye) and Sterculia rhinopetala (Wawabima). -
Heavy Metal Analysis of Fruit Juice and Soft Drinks Bought From Retail Market in Accra, Ghana
To determine the levels of Cu, Fe, Pb, and Zn in fruit juice and soft drinks bought from retail markets in Accra as heavy metals contamination has become a matter of public health concern but this has not received much research attention in Ghana especially fruit juice and soft drinks contamination through heavy metals.