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Congestion-Aware Routing (Car): Vehicular Traffic Routing Based on Real-Time Road Occupancy Estimates
This work addresses the problem of routing vehicular traffic on road networks. Fair routing is effected using real-time data acquired from a sensor network superimposed on road networks. -
Design and Navigation Technique of an Underground Mine Inspection Robot
The state of most underground mine tunnels could be very capricious and precarious with possible sudden dangers including that of near collapse walls, exposition to toxic substances including dangerous gases. These dangers coupled with size restrictions of portions of such mines inspection by robots the preferred option as opposed to that done by humans. -
Impact of Foliar Application of Zinc and Magnesium Aminochelate on Bean Physiology and Productivity in Ghana
Foliar application of fertilizers can guarantee nutrient availability to beans, leading to higher yield and seed quality. Different approaches including glycine have been used to improve mineral nutrient status of plants toward safer products and improved human health. -
Long-term straw retention drives carbon sequestration and crop productivity in dryland soils
Higher population densities in rural areas and climate change have necessitated technical change in crop production. Intensification without causing degradation is required to cope with changing population dynamics. -
Enhanced electricity generation and organic matter degradation during three-chamber bioelectrochemically assisted anaerobic composting of dewatered sludge
Composting microbial fuel cells can generate electricity from recycled organic waste at accelerated degradation rates. However, the problem of high internal resistance (Rint), which results in low power density, is a technical obstacle related to this process, and the preferential conversion of the organic fraction by bioelectrogenesis remains unclear. -
Starch Hydrolysis Kinetics of Intermediate Wheatgrass (Thinopyrum intermedium) Flour and Its Effects on The Unit Chain Profile of Its Resistant Starch Fraction.
Background and objectives Intermediate wheatgrass (IWG) is an environmentally sustainable perennial crop with potential food applications. This study investigated the starch hydrolysis kinetics of IWG grown in Roseau (IWG-RS) and Rosemount (IWG-RM), Minnesota, USA and the molecular structure of their residual (resistant) starch after 2 hr hydrolysis. -
Biomass production, nutrient cycling and distribution in age-sequence Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolate) plantations in subtropical China
Biomass production and nutrient (N, P, K, Ca and Mg) accumulation, distribution and cycling were quantified in young, mature and over-mature (10-, 22-, and 34-year old) Chinese fir [Cunninghamia lanceolate (Lamb.) Hook] plantations in southern China.