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Proximate and sensory evaluation of non-diary probiotic beverages made from tiger-nuts (Cyperus esculentus L.) and soy bean (Glycine max)
The need for non-dairy probiotic beverages has been on the rise due to various consumer needs and concerns. The current study measured the proximate composition of two non-diary probiotic beverages (made of tiger nut milk and soymilk) as well as a control sample and determined which sample was most preferred on measures of appearance, mouthfeel, flavour, taste, odour and colour. -
Micro-organisms associated with fruit fly infestation in mango fruits
One of the major setbacks with the mango production and export is the incidence tephritid fruit flies. As the female oviposits on the fruits, bacteria on the surface of the fruit are pushed into the fruit resulting in decay, allowing for secondary infestations by other microorganisms in addition to gut bacteria.