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Response of Onion (Allium Cepa L.) Cultivar ‘Bawku Red’ to Irrigation Frequencies in Northern Ghana
Low yield and poor quality of onions produced from the Sudan Savannah Agro-ecological Zone of Ghana among other factors attributed to lack of appropriate cultivars for cultivation, poor knowledge of plant spacing and storability. These factors have the potential of lowering income levels of farmers and wasting precious agriculture land. Field and storage experiments were conducted at Bawku in the Upper East Region of Ghana from 2015 to 2016 to investigate the response of cultivar and spacing on growth as well as yield and shelf-life of onions. -
Yield Stability of Photoperiod Sensitive Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) Accessions under Diverse Climatic Environments
Climate variability is a characteristic feature of the tropics where the summer monsoon starts from May/June and ends mostly in October, thus producing an unpredictably variable length December 9, 2011 of growing season. This results in serious challenges for the mainly substituent small holder farmers in the arid to semi-arid zones of the tropics. -
Survey of Soil Arthropod Pests and Assessment of Yield Loss in Peanut
Soil arthropod pests are important constraints to peanut production in Ghana. Surveys of peanut fields were conducted from 2003–2005 to identify and estimate densities of key soil arthropod pests, and also to quantify their damage to peanut in the three regions (Northern, Upper East and Upper West) of northern Ghana. -
Peanut Arachis hypogaea response to weed and disease management in northern Ghana
Weeds and diseases can reduce peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) yield or increase cost of production to maintain acceptable yield. -
Seasonal nitrogen dynamics in lowland rice cropping systems in inland valleys of northern Ghana
Farmers in the inland valleys of northern Ghana are challenged with nitrogen (N) deficiency as a major production constraint of rainfed lowland rice (Oryza sativa L.). -
Integrated rice-fish farming as a business. The case of Golinga irrigation scheme small farmers
The purpose of the Golinga Rice-fish farming project was to improve the capacities of members of a Farmer Based Organization (FBO) to carry out environmentally friendly, sustainable rural farming business using Integrated Pest Management (IPM) techniques at the Golinga Irrigation Project (GIP) in northern Ghana. -
Assessing the representativeness and repeatability of testing sites for drought-tolerant maize in West Africa
Assessing the representativeness and repeatability of testing sites for drought-tolerant maize in West Africa. Can. J. Plant Sci. 93: 699–714. The selection of suitable breeding and testing sites is crucial to the success of a maize (Zea mays L.) improvement programme. Twelve early-maturing maize cultivars were evaluated for 3 yr at 16 locations in West Africa to determine the representativeness, discriminating ability, and repeatability of the testing sites and to identify core testing sites. -
Combining Ability of Extra‐Early Maize Inbreds Derived from a Cross between Maize and Zea diploperennis and Hybrid Performance under Contrasting Environments
Knowledge of the genetic mechanisms conditioning drought tolerance in maize is crucial to the success of hybrid breeding programs aimed at developing high-yielding cultivars under drought. -
Needs assessment of sweet potato production in northern Ghana: implications for research and extension efforts.
The study was carried out to generate baseline information on production, marketing and utilization of sweet potato in Northern Ghana.