Opportunities and challenges of emerging livestock feed markets in northern Ghana
Opportunities and challenges of emerging livestock feed markets in northern Ghana
Emerging livestock feed markets in northern Ghana were surveyed to collect information on feeds sale, prices and buyers. The survey covered three regional markets in northern Ghana namely Tamale, Bolgatanga and Wa markets in Northern, Upper East and Upper West Regions, respectively. Semi- structured questionnaire was used to gather quantitative and qualitative data and was administered in the markets by field enumerators. Samples of feedstuffs sold in the markets during the interview period were bought from 3 different sellers for each feed type per market to determine the price of feed per kg and nutritive value of the feed sold. The data was collected quarterly across seasons in the year. Crop residues (groundnut haulms, cowpea haulms and pigeon pea residue (pods, leaves and twigs)), agro-industrial by-products (bran of maize, rice and sorghum) and fresh grass (Andropogon gayanus) as well as local browse (Ficus species, Afzelia species and Pterocarpus evinacelus) were sold in the markets. The crop residues and browses were packaged in bundles and the agro-industrial by-products (cereal bran) in bags and bowls for sale. Livestock feed prices were generally high in Bolgatanga market in Upper East Region than Tamale and Wa markets in Northern and Upper West Region, respectively. Prices of cereal bran (e g. maize bran) generally had no significant difference across seasons but that of crops residue were significantly higher in early to late dry season than the rainy season (P< 05). Income generation motivated feed sellers and feed shortage led to purchases. These two factors were the drivers of the emerging livestock feed market. The respondents were of the view that the feed market will expand in northern Ghana due to increasing livestock population and trade especially in peri-urban and urban areas as a result of increasing demand for livestock and livestock product.
“Opportunities and challenges of emerging livestock feed markets in northern Ghana,” CSIRSpace, accessed February 19, 2025, https://cspace.csirgh.com/items/show/1270.