INSTI 2018 Annual Report



INSTI 2018 Annual Report






The list of research projects and training programmes organised below are extracted from the various Divisions and were carried out by the Institute during the period under consideration. Details of the projects are presented in this report. Design and implementation of a LiFi Test-Bed. A test-bed was set up to conduct experimental research into Optical Wireless Communication (OWC). LiFi signals for testing, demonstration and development of LiFi applications were generated using the test-bed. This was carried out by the Communications Division. Simulated comparison of performance beyond inherent metrics for OSPF AND EIGRP. Experimentation was carried out by the Communications Division to compare the protocols of network round trip times and time to live on the basis of message round trip and time to live for packets transmitted. Impact assessment of robotics inspired science education programme on student performance and understanding in STEM subjects. The Electronics Division in collaboration with Ghana Robotics Academy Foundation carried out the project to come up with recommendations on how the use of robotics as a wheel to foster higher understanding and performance in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) related subjects could be improved as well as inspiring STEM education in Ghana. Twenty four students have currently undergone training and an assessment of their academic performance would be made. Poultry Incubator. This project was performed to provide an efficient, high hatch rate and affordable incubator for Poultry Farmers leading to an increasing bird production in support of food security and sustainability. The incubating box, system control unit, sensor network and tray control motor have all been assembled with the initial temperature and humidity tests being carried out. The design test model for the initial experiment to be carried out would be made. This was carried out by the Electronics Division. Ubiquitous computing for location-based tourist attraction. This research was carried out by the Electronics Division to exploit the use of web/mobile computing and Geo-Information data in unleashing a disruptive wave of new tourism experience in Ghana. The mobile version of the Ghana Portal platform is currently being tested and prepared for piloting. Information needs and obstacles of small scale farmers in developing countries. This project was undertaken by the Geospatial and Information Science Division (GISD) in collaboration with the Nsawam Adoagyiri Municipal Assembly Department of Agriculture. A technical report has been written on the project which focused on the information needs, awareness, sources and challenges of small scale farmers. Exploring the constraints of accessing agricultural credit by small scale oil palm farmers. This research, carried out by the GISD in the Kwaebibirem District investigated factors related to credit acquisition of 100 small scale oil palm farmers. Write up is in progress. Assessing farm record-keeping behavior among small scale pineapple farmers in the Nsawam Adoagyiri Municipality, Ghana. This project was undertaken by the GISD in collaboration with the Nsawam Adoagyiri Municipal Assembly, Department of Agriculture. The study showed that more small scale pineapple farmers in the study areas were males with formal education who kept daily farm records of sales and production through manual storage. A publication has been made from this study. Database and map development. The GISD created a spatial database for the distribution of forest types in Ghana. A map was produced showing the distribution of forest types in the country as observed in 1981 and 1985. Updating the road network in the country via-Google Earth. Thirteen and seven MMDAs in the Brong Ahafo and Upper East Regions respectively had their road networks updated. The former (Brong Ahafo Region) has been completed while the latter (Upper East Region) has four outstanding. Robotics training programmes. A one-week training programme was organised by the Electronics Division in collaboration with Microbot Academy and GRAF for 12 female students of the Methodist Girls Senior High School, Manfe from 9th to 13th April 2018 with age ranges from 12 to 18 years. The programme led to the award of the Microbot Academy’s Megabot badge. The second training programme took place from the 3rd to 10th of December 2018 for a different batch of 12 students from the same academic institution and within the same age range. This was in collaboration with MikroStem Academy, students were awarded Megabot certificates. Ghana Journal of Science & Ghana Journal of Agricultural Science. Volumes 52 (2018) and 53 (2018) of the Ghana Journal of Agricultural Science (GJS) were published on the AJOL indexing site. Volumes 58 (2018) and 59 (2018) of the Ghana Journal of Science (GJS) were published on the AJOL indexing site. The Printing Section also executed 15 printing jobs which included CSIR-Institutes Annual Reports, CSIR 60th Anniversary banner, CSIRARI flag, CSIR Annual Diaries and Calendars. Information resources. The information resources collected by the Scientific Information Management Section for 2018 stood at 904. These included journals/ magazines, theses, annual reports, books and newspapers which were acquired through exchanges, donations and data collection. Number of persons who used the library. A total of 1400 clients visited the library throughout the year. Students came to use the reading facility of the library, while researchers used the library facility for their research work. The staff strength. The staff strength of CSIR-INSTI stood at 65 as at 31st December 2018, comprising 20 senior members, 25 senior staff and 20 junior staff. Two staff members resigned on 25th June and 20th July 2018 respectively. The Director of the Institute, Dr. Joel Sam also proceeded on retirement from the Council on 16th June 2018. Two other staff members, a senior member and a junior staff also retired on 26th July and 22nd August 2018 respectively. Income Generated. The Institute generated GH₵3,752,176.37 from its services and contract research activities, while the total expenditure for the same period amounted to GH₵3,671,176.93. The surplus for the year was GH₵80,999.44 after a provision of GH₵2,639.72 was made for the consumption of non-current assets (fixed assets).





“INSTI 2018 Annual Report,” CSIRSpace, accessed February 19, 2025, https://cspace.csirgh.com/items/show/150.