INSTI 2016 Annual Report
INSTI 2016 Annual Report
The Institute for Scientific and Technological Information of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR-INSTI) has not relented on its mandate to carry out various research programmes. They provide scientific and technological information to major public research and academic institutions, private individuals as well as the industrial sector for national development. In carrying out its mandate, the CSIR-INSTI collaborated with the following international development organisations and academic institutes which included, IITA, CFO of UN, INASP, GINKS, CTA, the Netherlands, University of Ghana, KNUST as well as sister CSIR institutes. During the period under review, the CSIR-INSTI carried out a number of on-going Research Programmes which included: Directory for Female Senior Members in the CSIR, Ghana; Research Scientists Knowledge in the use of Internet Resources for Research in the CSIR, Ghana; Perceived Impacts of Royal FM Agricultural Programmes on livelihoods of farmers in Ghana; Application of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) by Extension Agents in Agricultural Technology Transfer; Appraisal of Communication Tools used in the transfer of existing CSIR Technologies to End Users:- the case of CSIR-ARI. During the period supra, the Institute executed new programmes and among them were; Building the capacity of Unemployed Teenage Mothers in Ghanaian Mining Towns for sustainable self-employment for Livelihood Employment; the use of ICTs in Poverty Reduction in Rural Communities in the three Northern Regions of Ghana; Digital Preservation of Indigenous Knowledge in Ghana; Mapping Land Degradation in Semi-Deciduous Forest Zone in Ghana; Geospatial Information Technologies Approach; Climate Change Adaptation Practices by Food Crop Farmers in Ghana:- the case of Kintampo - North Municipality and Identification and mapping of poverty endemic areas in Ghana using a multi-dimensional poverty index. CSIR – INSTI Annual Report 2016 2 Some of the achievements for the year under review were: the introduction of some new programmes; update of the various data basis of the Institute; provision and dissemination of scientific information to Extension Officers, Scientists and Farmers and lastly assisted researchers and students to access various data basis for their research works. During the period under review, six (6) officers were granted study leave with pay to pursue programmes relevant to their work. Apart from the six (6), two (2) officers resumed duty from study leave while two (2) others retired from the service of the council. The staff strength as at 31st December 2016 stood at seventy-one (71). In all, fourteen (14) students comprising national service personnel were accepted to undergo their service attachment training at the Institute. The Institute was able to generate internally, an amount of three million and fifty-five thousand, eight hundred and sixteen Ghana cedi and eleven pesewas (GH₵ 3, 055, 816.11) during the year under review.
“INSTI 2016 Annual Report,” CSIRSpace, accessed February 19, 2025, https://cspace.csirgh.com/items/show/153.