Quality of Eggs produced by laying Chickens fed lowgossypol Cottonseed meal



Quality of Eggs produced by laying Chickens fed lowgossypol Cottonseed meal




The study investigated the effects of feeding low-gossypol cottonseed meal (CSM) on the quality of eggs produced by laying chickens. A total of 288 Shaver Starcross 579 pullets of 30 weeks of age were randomly allotted to six dietary treatment groups of 48 birds each. Graded levels of CSM, 0, 2.5, 5.0, 7.5, 10.0 and 12.5 per cent were incorporated into their diets. All the diets were isonitrogenous and isocaloric. Results indicated an increase in egg production with increasing levels of CSM in the diet up to 10 per cent level of inclusion. The addition of CSM to the diets had no significant effects on egg weight, Haugh unit values (HUV), yolk index, and yolk colour scores. However, egg yolk colour tended to improve with increasing levels of CSM in the diet. Irrespective of dietary treatments, egg weight, Haugh unit values, and yolk index scores deteriorated with storage at room temperature. However, no yolk or albumen discolouration were observed in stored eggs, even after 3 weeks of storage. On the basis of market quality of eggs produced, the lowgossypol CSM used in this study was satisfactory for incorporating into layer diets as a protein source.


Nelson, F. S.



“Quality of Eggs produced by laying Chickens fed lowgossypol Cottonseed meal,” CSIRSpace, accessed March 13, 2025, https://cspace.csirgh.com/items/show/1969.