Heavy Metal Concentration and Anthropogenic Activities at Artisanal shops at Suame Industrial Area, Ashanti Region, Ghana



Heavy Metal Concentration and Anthropogenic Activities at Artisanal shops at Suame Industrial Area, Ashanti Region, Ghana


Pollution of heavy metals in industrial, residential areas and cities has become a public health issue in Ghana. Studies were conducted at Suame Industrial Area to investigate the degree of the pollution as a result of human activities at various artisan shops.


Ababio, F. O.; Adams, S.; Owusu, E.; Akunai, A.






Pollution of heavy metals in industrial, residential areas and cities has become a public health issue in Ghana. Studies were conducted at Suame Industrial Area to investigate the degree of the pollution as a result of human activities at various artisan shops. Six (6) artisan's shops were selected namely: metal fabrication (MF), Auto mechanic (AM), car body part repair (CB), auto electrical (AE), blacksmith (BS) and auto spray. Soil samples were collected from the surface of the soil at 0–10 cm depth with the aid of an auger. A control sample was also collected (generally about 100 m away from the cluster and of the same geology) where neither car repairs, industrial nor commercial activities took place. The samples were placed in labelled polyethene bags and transported to the laboratory for analysis. The heavy metals analysed were: Lead (Pb), Chromium (Cr), Cobalt (Co), Copper (Cu), Zinc (Zn), Iron (Fe) and Manganese (Mn). The results indicate that there was environmental contamination since the levels of heavy metals were high as compared to the background concentration. The quantification of anthropogenic input of the heavy metals was in order: Pb> Cu> Zn> Cr> Fe> Mn> Co. Public education on the need to encourage the creation of effective regulation and control measures including zoning and clear demarcation, regulation of industrial activities is recommended.

Bibliographic Citation

Felix, A. O., Adams, S., Owusu, A. E., & Akunai, A. A. (2018). Heavy Metal Concentration and Anthropogenic Activities at Artisanal shops at Suame Industrial Area, Ashanti Region, Ghana. Journal of Scientific Research and Reports, 1-6.



Ababio, F. O.; Adams, S.; Owusu, E.; Akunai, A., “Heavy Metal Concentration and Anthropogenic Activities at Artisanal shops at Suame Industrial Area, Ashanti Region, Ghana,” CSIRSpace, accessed February 19, 2025, https://cspace.csirgh.com/items/show/554.