Physicochemical properties and sensory attributes of local snacks fortified with powdered fish processing by-products and an underutilized fish species.



Physicochemical properties and sensory attributes of local snacks fortified with powdered fish processing by-products and an underutilized fish species.


Fish processing by-products and small pelagic fish could provide minerals and protein in diets of vulnerable populations as these could be more affordable than seafood. The study objectives were to determine the proximate nutrient content of tuna processing by-products and burrito fish and also assess the acceptability of fish powder-fortified local carbohydrate snacks.


Abbey, L.; Glover-Amengor, M.; Hagan, L. L.; Mboom, F.P.






Fish processing by-products and small pelagic fish could provide minerals and protein in diets of vulnerable populations as these could be more affordable than seafood. The study objectives were to determine the proximate nutrient content of tuna processing by-products and burrito fish and also assess the acceptability of fish powder-fortified local carbohydrate snacks. Tuna trimmings, gills, frames and burrito were dried at 55oC for eight hours to moisture levels of 4.8% (trimmings), 8.9% (frames), 6.8% (gills) and 6.9% (burrito). The products were milled and incorporated at varying levels into four local snacks namely: mpotompoto, yakayake, abolo and yam balls. Proximate nutrient levels of both fortified and non-fortified snacks were determined by Official Methods of Analysis (AOAC). Protein contents of mpotompoto-fortified fish products ranged from 3.75% to 8.5%. Ash also ranged from 1.12% to 5.54%. The control contained 1.17%. Acceptability tests were conducted on the fortified snacks using a 5-point hedonic scale. On the whole, fortified products showed significantly higher levels of protein and ash over the non-fortified snacks. Acceptance of the snacks by pupils (11-12) years was high enough to warrant incorporation of the fish powders into a school lunch menu.

Bibliographic Citation

Abbey, L., Glover-Amengor, M., Hagan, L., & Mboom, F. P. (2019). Physicochemical properties and sensory attributes of local snacks fortified with powdered fish processing by-products and an underutilised fish species. Ghana Journal of Agricultural Science, 54(2), 26-35.



Abbey, L.; Glover-Amengor, M.; Hagan, L. L.; Mboom, F.P., “Physicochemical properties and sensory attributes of local snacks fortified with powdered fish processing by-products and an underutilized fish species.,” CSIRSpace, accessed February 19, 2025, https://cspace.csirgh.com/items/show/583.