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  • CSIR-SARI Annual Report 2012_skn.pdf
  • CSIR-SARI Annual Report 2013_skn.pdf
  • CSIR-SARI Annual Report 2014.pdf

    The year 2014 was one of immense activity to consolidate the transformational gains of CSIRSARI for optimum productivity which marked productive 20 years of operation as a full-fledge institute with an effective farming systems research approach for accessing and developing technologies for farmers. It was a busy year that raised our resource mobilization endeavour to $2,381,324.64 from new and existing donor project support to access and develop technologies that are widely adaptable by farmers to ensure the scalability of the technologies for faster and wider implementation. The dynamic nature of scientific research implies the need for the scientists to be abreast with new techniques/tools and modern trends in research and apply them in addressing the needs of farmers and other stakeholders thereby contributing to higher productivity and improvement in livelihoods. It is therefore pertinent that efforts are geared towards procuring the necessary tools, equipment and know-how and deploy the new technologies appropriately. This requires financial and material resources to establish the appropriate laboratories and equipment as well as trained human resources to operate. It also implies a new way of thinking and doing research for the benefit of society at large. I am glad to report that CSIR-SARI continued expanding its partnerships and collaborations so as to comprehensively and holistically address farmer constraints in northern Ghana. In furtherance of the mandate to conduct agricultural research as it relates to food and fibre crop farming in the three regions of northern Ghana, CSIR-SARI made good progress during 2014 that we are happy to share with you. These achievements are captured under the major achievements and progress made in research programmes. Among the findings are the following: The crop improvement programme has made strides in developing crop varieties that fit into the agroecologies of the mandate zone. Four promising drought and striga tolerant maize hybrids were identified and proposed to the National Variety Release and Registration Committee (NVRRC) for release and cultivation by farmers. They were formally release in April 2015 under the names Kunjor-wari, Suhudoo, Wari-kamana and Kpari-faako. These hybrids have the potential to increase significantly the level of maize production and income of maize producers. Additionally, five pearl millet genotypes were also identified and proposed to the NVRRC for release and cultivation by farmers in the Upper East region. The integrated soil fertility management (ISFM) programme continues to develop innovative strategies to improve the organic matter content of the soils in the northern savannah zones to enhance land use on a permanent basis. Adoption of best-bet practices by farmers resulted in maize yield of 3 t/ha on average. Research efforts on inoculation of soybean and cowpea with rhizobium also resulted in yield increase from 0.8 to 1.5 t/ha and 0.45 to 1.2 t/ha at farmer level, respectively. Farmers’ participation in ISFM demonstration had significant influence on soybean, rice or maize yields. Farmers who participated in demonstrations had higher yields than those who did not participate in the Agricultural Value Chain Mentorship Project (AVCMP) demonstrations. Average yield increases as a result of farmer participation in AVCMP demonstrations were 50, 75 and 100% for maize, rice and soybean, respectively. In pursuit of moving away from hazardous and expensive insecticides, plant-based products continue to be an integral part of our work on integrated pest management for key biotic constraints in the region. We cannot conclude this message without mention of the Quality rice development project with the objective to boost domestic rice production. This project was aimed at improving farmers’ access to quality rice seed and expanding knowledge on best-bet rice technologies. With funding from the AGRA, the project reached out to 6,488 farmers in 18 project action sites in the Upper East and Northern regions and increased paddy production. These farmers gained access to best-bet rice technologies through on-the-job training and through videos on rice technologies. Rural radio and TV broadcasts on these technologies were also used to reach other farmers not directly involved in the project. I wish to commend the staff, management and board of CSIR-SARI for the good work that they continue to do. Bringing technologies on a royalty-free basis for use by farmers in northern Ghana and doing that through partnerships and collaborations with others is no mean feat. I believe that agricultural technology can and should make a difference to our farmers’ lives. To achieve this, business as usual will not get these technologies into the hands of the farmers – there is a lot more that needs to be done, some differently. Looking back, 2014 was a good year for CSIR-SARI and on behalf of the management board, I would like to express our gratitude to all partners, donors, staff and board members for their support and commitment to the fulfillment of the CSIR-SARI vision and mission. Our special appreciation goes to the Ministry of Food and Agriculture and numerous press houses that helped us disseminate our technologies to the farmers. We hope that you will enjoy reading this report with as much pleasure as it gives us to present the CSIR-SARI Annual Report 2014 to you. Never hesitate to consult us for any of the technologies we have developed.
  • Chapter6-Cassava-FINAL.pdf
  • schistosome-dna-isolation-and-colorimetric-lamp-pr-ckh8ut9w.pdf
  • Scientific human resource for national development in Ghana Issues and challenges.pdf

    Studies have established that science and technology applications have culminated in the discovery of new products, new processes, improved and faster services, better ways of solving human and environmental challenges as well as opportunities for new jobs.
  • Screening and Selection of Drought-Tolerant Groundnut Varieties Based on Yield Performance.pdf
  • Screening of Rice Accessions For Resistance to Rice Yellow Mottle Virus.pdf
  • Screening reactive materials for permeable barriers to treat benzene and lead contaminated groundwater.pdf

    Laboratory batch experiments were performed to: (i) select two individual and two mixtures of potential reactive materials for permeable barriers to treat groundwater contaminated with benzene and soluble lead (Pb2þ); (ii) investigate the involved contaminant removal mechanisms; and (iii) determine the permeability and assess the environmental compatibility of the selected materials.
  • Seasonal analysis of bacteriological quality of drinking water sources in communities surrounding Lake Bosomtwe in the Ashanti Region of Ghana.pdf
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