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Users’ Perception of the Quality of Public Library Services in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana: An Application of the LibQUAL+ Model.
This study seeks to assess user perception of the quality of public library services in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana using the LibQUAL+ model. Based on a quantitative approach, the study surveyed 180 patrons of public libraries in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana using convenience sampling technique. -
Perceptions of Shop Operators on Packaging of Made-in-Ghana Products
he importance of packaging in the marketing of a product cannot be overemphasized. It raises the appeal of the product and becomes its silent salesman. Proper packaging is a less expensive means of advertisement and leads to a direct reduction in production cost and indirectly increases sales by attracting the final consumer. -
The Ghana Highway Code as a Teaching and Learning Material
The Ghana Highway Code is the official state-recognised traffic teaching and learning material widely used in traffic schools and by motorists in Ghana. -
Implications of Policy on Publicly and Privately Driven Agricultural Industries: Case Study of Cocoa and Pineapple Value Chains in Ghana
This study sought to assess the implications of policy on the cocoa and pineapple value chains in Ghana. Using the multiple case study design approach, the study was derived from analyses of documents and interviews with different actors in the two case studies with emphasis on the value chain as a whole. The intention was to obtain the perceptions, knowledge and behaviors and their bases of the actors as perceived and interpreted in their own context. -
Information Security Practices and IT Disaster Recovery Readiness: An Assessment of Ghanaian Government Ministries
This study set out to assess whether information security best practices are adhered to in Ghanaian government ministries and to assess their readiness for Information Technology (IT) disaster recovery.The sequential exploratory design was used to focus on qualitative data first via preliminary interviews, this was followed by the collection and analysis of quantitative data. -
A study of fuel consumption of three types of household charcoal stoves in Ghana
The purpose of this study was to find out the amounts of charcoal consumed using the traditional Ghanaian coal pot in contrast with two improved stoves, "Ahinbenso" and "Gyapa" stoves. -
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for Topographical Mapping of Inaccessible Land Areas in Ghana: A Cost-Effective Approach
The use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) for remote data acquisition has rapidly evolved in recent years. The integration of UAV with Global Positioning System (GPS) and Geographic Information System (GIS) techniques have reduced time and cost in acquiring data for inaccessible land areas -
Design and Navigation Technique of an Underground Mine Inspection Robot
The state of most underground mine tunnels could be very capricious and precarious with possible sudden dangers including that of near collapse walls, exposition to toxic substances including dangerous gases. These dangers coupled with size restrictions of portions of such mines inspection by robots the preferred option as opposed to that done by humans.