Assessment of farmer level postharvest losses along the tomato value chain in three agro-ecological zones of Ghana
Assessment of farmer level postharvest losses along the tomato value chain in three agro-ecological zones of Ghana
This study sought to identify and analyze the determinants of post-harvest losses within the tomato value chain, key players, their roles in the pre-harvest, harvest and post-harvest handling of tomato at farmer level unit operations across 46 districts in the Forest, Guinea Savannah and Transition Agro-ecological zones in Ghana involving the Greater Accra, Ashanti, Brong Ahafo and Upper East regions, as well as assess and quantify losses along the tomato postharvest value chain. Parameters evaluated included socio-demographic information of respondents, varieties grown, reasons for growing such varieties, years grown, postharvest practices, loss assessment quantification, reasons for losses, gender in relation to production among others. Results indicated that 30.88 % of farmers interviewed belong to Farmer Based Organization (FBO) and the remaining, sole farmers. On regional bases 12.5 %, 23.53%, 38.89% and 4.06% of farmers from Greater Accra, Ashanti, Brong Ahafo and Upper East respectively were FBO members .Whilst 32.50 % of farmers grow only local varieties, 35.29 % grow exotic ones and 32.35 both, with varied reason for varietal choice. Quantitatively, losses during harvest across regions ranged between 4.6 % and 10.85 %, with the highest in Upper East region. During grading and parking, between 3.6 % and 13.75 % of fruits were lost; 2.3 % to 7.4 %; and 2.6 % to 3.3 % during transporting and marketing respectively. Post-harvest losses in the tomato value chain is very alarming and demand that policy makers and other stakeholders redirects their focus towards reducing or eradicating these losses by offering training on post-harvest handling of perishable products and this must be conducted with follow ups, feedback and adoption measurement to ensure sustainability.
“Assessment of farmer level postharvest losses along the tomato value chain in three agro-ecological zones of Ghana,” CSIRSpace, accessed March 10, 2025, http://cspace.csirgh.com/items/show/1704.