Ecological Characteristics that Enhance Broussonetia papyrifera’s Invasion in a Semideciduous Forest in Ghana



Ecological Characteristics that Enhance Broussonetia papyrifera’s Invasion in a Semideciduous Forest in Ghana






Broussonetia papyrifera (L.) Vent. (Moraceae) was introduced to Ghana in 1969 and has since become second only to Chromolaena odorata as an invasive species in Ghanaian forests. This study determined its ecological traits that enhance its invasion of plant communities. Fruiting and viability patterns were studied through monthly monitoring of 985 trees (≥6 cm gbh) in one forest site. The effect of light on its seed germination was tested in light-proof boxes. Means of propagation were determined by tracking the origin of newly regenerated plants on a newly cleared plot of land that B. papyrifera had occupied. It fruited twice a year with one season (January–March) producing more fruits than the other (July-August). Fruiting occurred in trees as small as 9 cm gbh but the percentage of individuals fruiting in each size class increased with tree size. There was a clear pattern of seed viability during the January–March fruiting period. The species did not appear to have a naturally high seed viability with germination always below 50% of each weekly collection. Seed germination was depressed in dark. These results suggest that the species may be competitive in disturbed forest sites and therefore its spread may be aided by forest degradation.


Kyereh, B.; Agyeman, V. K.; Abebrese, I. K.



“Ecological Characteristics that Enhance Broussonetia papyrifera’s Invasion in a Semideciduous Forest in Ghana,” CSIRSpace, accessed March 9, 2025, http://cspace.csirgh.com/items/show/1705.