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Growth and yield performance of different exotic strains of eight pleurotus species cultivated on Triplochiton scleroxylon in Ghana
The mycelia growth rate, physical characteristics of first flush, number of flushes and biological efficiency of twenty three exotic strains of eight Pleurotus species grown on composted sawdust of Triplochiton scleroxylon K (Schum) were studied. -
Quantification and characterization of vehicle-based polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in street dust from the Tamale metropolis, Ghana
Objective Concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in street dust in the Tamale metropolis, Ghana, -
Screening Reactive materials for permeable barriers to treat Benzene and Lead Contaminated Groundwater
Laboratory batch experiments were performed to: (i) select two individual and two mixtures of potential reactive materials for permeable barriers to treat groundwater contaminated with benzene and soluble lead (Pb2þ); (ii) investigate the involved contaminant removal mechanisms; and (iii) determine the permeability and assess the environmental compatibility of the selected materials. -
Hazards among tigernut (Cyprus eculentus) farmers in Aduamoa in the Kwahu south district, Eastern region, Ghana
Tigernut production in Ghana is associated with high levels of manual labour and little use of machinery. Men and women in tigernut farming play a significant role in the various farm tasks associated with tigernut (Cyperus esculentus) production in the Eastern Region of Ghana. A survey of 100 tigernut farmers (50 male and 50 female) in Aduamoa in the Eastern Region of Ghana was carried out to ascertain the leading occupational hazards and injuries faced by the tigernut farmers during preplanting and planting, post-planting, harvesting and post-harvest operations. -
Nitrogen availability determines the long-term impact of land use change on soil carbon stocks in grasslands of southern Ghana
Enhancing the capacity of agricultural soils to resist soil degradation and to mitigate climate change requires long-term assessments of land use systems. -
Nitrogen availability determines the long-term impact of land use change on soil carbon stocks in grasslands of southern Ghana
Enhancing the capacity of agricultural soils to resist soil degradation and to mitigate climate change requires long-term assessments of land use systems. -
Nitrogen availability determines the long-term impact of land use change on soil carbon stocks in grasslands of southern Ghana
Enhancing the capacity of agricultural soils to resist soil degradation and to mitigate climate change requires long-term assessments of land use systems. -
The Ghana Highway Code as a Teaching and Learning Material
The Ghana Highway Code is the official state-recognised traffic teaching and learning material widely used in traffic schools and by motorists in Ghana.