The impact of livestock production on global warming
The impact of livestock production on global warming
Though livestock is not a major force in the global economy, it is very Significant in the food security and livelihoods of many people, particularly, in the developing countries. The sector has wide-ranging environmental impacts, and is a significant contributor to global warming accounting for 18% of tom! greenhouse gas emissions. The livestock industry produces about 37% methane, 65 % nitrous oxide and 9%carbon dioxide of the global emissions from human related activities. The huge expansion of the livestock sector required-to meet expanding demand of the increasing global population must be accomplished while substantially reducing its environmental impact. Management practices that improve the productivity and efficiency of livestock production may be adopted to reduce green house gas emissions attributed to the livestock chain. However the fact that so many people depend on livestock for their livelihood limits the policy options available for greenhouse gas emissions.
“The impact of livestock production on global warming,” CSIRSpace, accessed March 10, 2025, http://cspace.csirgh.com/items/show/2039.